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Donation Instructions for the "Olive Wood Program" of St. George Melkite Greek Catholic Church via PayPal

According to American law, it is legal to donate tax deductable money from the United States of America to St. George Melkite Greek Catholic Church via Holy Cross Melkite Greek Catholic Church. This donation money is tax deductable because the donation check is made out to a Catholic Church located in the United States of America.

When American banks transfer money from an American bank account to a Bank Account within the Palestine National Authority, American banks must obey American laws. This means, that all American money, which is transferred to banks within the Palestine National Authority, is transferred via an American government approved transfer bank. This bank checks if the person receiving the money has any terrorist connections. No bank transfer to Abouna Firas Boutros Khoury Diab has been stopped.

Money donated via PalPay goes into the Bank Account of Martha Liles and Fr. James Babcock for St. George Church in an American bank in the United States of America. Usually, within one week, Martha Liles gives to the American bank the papers to transfer that money to the bank account for St. George Melkite Greek Church within the Palestinian National Authority. This Palestinian bank account is handled by Abouna Firas Khoury Diab.

The usual procedure is that Abouna / Rev. Father James Babcock and Martha Liles do not send the donor a receipt. To obtain a receipt, the donor must ask for a receipt.

Paypal Instructions

  • Log on to Paypal, https://www.paypal.com/
  • Select the Send Money tab
  • Select the Send Money Online tab
  • Use the e-mail stgeorge@mliles.com.
    Then, the donated money does directly into the Bank Account of Martha Liles and Fr. James Babcock for St. George Church in an American bank in the United States of America.
  • Enter the Amount of the money.
  • Select the currency of the money.
    Paypal will exchange the currency of the donated money for United States of America dollars and subtract a currency exchange fee from the donation.
  • Select Personal, not Purchase. Select Gift.
    All money sent to St. George Melkite Greek Catholic Church via PayPal is a donation. PayPal asks the user to select Purchase and Personal. Donation is not a Category. According to a PalPay Representative, Donation is a Personal Gift. Then, choose Personal, not Purchase. Within Personal, choose Gift. Do not choose Payent Owed, Cash Advance, Living Expense, and Other.
    Legally, you are giving a gift, a suggested donation, to St. George Church. Legally, you are not purchasing an item because items made by members of St. George Church are not for sale. St. George Church can not sell items because it does not have a Business License in the United States of America.
    No item made by St. George Church has been sold. There are no plans to sell items. One reason is the high cost of transportation would make the cost of the exported items so high that a cost conscious person would buy from other vendor.
    Furthermore, if you choose Purchase, PayPal will subtract a Purchase fee from the donation. For money sent within the United States, this Fee is 2.9% of the total amount plus $.30. For money sent outside the United States, this Fee is 3.9% of the total amount plus $.30. If you choose Personal, Gift, Paypal will not take this Fee.
  • Click on the Continue button
  • Check Review your Payment and Send
  • Check Payment Method
  • Complete Email to recipient
    Write and send an e-mail to Martha Liles, at mliles@mliles.com that a donation has been sent via PayPal and writes the transaction id number. Martha Liles is the person authorized by the pastor of St. George Church, Abouna Firas Khoury Diab, to collect and to send donations to St. George Church via PayPal. Martha Liles will make the bank transfer from the bank account for St. George Church, which is located within the United States to the bank account for St. George Church within the Palestine National Authority.
  • Click on the Send Money button.

Thank you.

St. George (Mar Giries) Melkite Greek Catholic Parish
Abouna Firas Boutros Khoury Diab
E-mail Address: Abouna Firas Boutros Khoury Diab,cure_zab@yahoo.com or Abouna Firas Boutros Khoury Diab, firas_khoury2002@yahoo.com
Skype Name: Doris Diab Doris_Diab, by e-mail please agree on a date and a time for a Skype Video Call
Time Zone: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) plus 2 hours
Pacific Time (GMT minus 8 hours) in the United States of America is 10 hours behind Zababdeh Time, that is 2 a.m. Pacific Time is 12 noon Zababdeh Time, 12 noon Pacific Time is 10 p.m Zababdeh Time, 2 p.m. Pacific Time is 12 midnight Zabadeh Time, and 12 midnight Pacific Time is 10 a.m. the next day Zababdeh Time.
Usually, the best time to contact Abouna Firas is during his evening, that is from 7 p.m. - 12 p.m. during Zababdeh time.
Cell / Mobile telephone for Abouna Firas: 0599789282, from other countries including the U.S.: 011.970.599789282, (do not dial the area code and the 0), from Jerusalem and Bethlehem: 0599789282 (Code 970 is for Palestine National Authority and code 972 is for Israel. Both codes will work.)
Fax: None
Web site: St. George (Mar Giries) Melkite Greek Catholic Church, http://www.stgeorgeinzababdeh.com/
Mailing address: St. George Church, Zababdeh, Palestine National Authority
St. George Church does not have a street mailing address nor a Post Box Office mailing address.
Physical location: St. George Church is the Catholic Church on the main road.
Abouna's Business Card Side 1 and Abouna's Business Card Side 2 If Run-time error "91" appears, click End, then the document will appear.
This site copyright©2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,2018,2019,2020 St. George (Mar Giries) Melkite Greek Catholic Church. All rights reserved.

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